Taos County Crime Stoppers posts information about fugitives, unsolved crimes, scams, safety advice, local events and how YOU can help. Your tips are always anonymous - even to us - and we pay rewards for tips that lead to an arrest. Be sure to join us on Facebook and "follow" us so you will receive real-time ALERTS for what is going on in our community. We are all about all of us working together, building a better, safer community. We also post updates on recovered property and other events of community interest. Our community matters to us and we know you make all the difference. We are working together, building a better community one anonymous tip at a time.

These individuals are wanted by the authorities. You can help protect our community by providing us with their locations. Your identity is completely protected. Even from us. Click on the link and see if you recognize anyone. If so, contact us using one of our tip lines (phone call, text or online) and we will do the rest.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Joseph Frank Montano


AGE: 40
SEX: Male
RACE: White
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
BUILD: Medium
SCARS, MARKS, TATTOOS: Tattoo on right side of neck, earring in left ear.
Defendant is known to ride a motorcycle with red rear fender and tank, high handlebars, no seat and no front fender.

Mr. Montano is wanted on a Magistrate Court Arrest Warrant on the following charges; Aggravated Burglary (a 2nd degree felony), False Imprisonment (a 4th degree felony), Aggravated Battery Against a Household Member (a misdemeanor) and Interference with Communications (a misdemeanor).

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